Take your home from chaos to control

It’s time to create your very own sanctuary

Welcome to Chaos to Control Academy, an “Organizing 101” course by Natalie Piepsny, founder of The Organized Aesthetic LLC


Are you sick of:

  • Wasting time looking for basic everyday items as you’re trying to rush out the door?
  • Throwing money away by purchasing something you didn’t realize you already had at home?
  • Being greeted with a sense of overwhelm any time you enter your space?

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify which organizing and decluttering mistakes you’ve been making that have kept you from living your best life
  • Get clear on what it is you want and need for your space
  • Part ways with items and belongings that are no longer serving you
  • Implement lasting organizing and decluttering systems that will make your space work for YOU
  • Apply this framework to any space in the home

Which will result in:

  • More time for you to hang with the kiddos, check more to-dos off your list, and maybe even rest a little bit
  • More money to splurge on a vacation, large purchase for the home, or put away for retirement
  • Less stress, allowing you to walk into your carefully curated sanctuary, drop your shoulders, and just breathe

Module 1:

Course Introduction

Get a better understanding of the structure of the course and complete some foundational work that will help ground you as you embark on your organizing journey

Module 2:

Set Your Goals and Vision

Learn what questions you should be asking yourself so you can set realistic, motivational goals for your space

Module 3:


Understand why decluttering tends to be so difficult for a lot of people, and then follow my step-by-step question guide so it doesn’t have to be

Module 4:


Dive deeper into the basis of any organization system to better inform your space plan(s)

Module 5:


Learn everything that goes into the actual act of functional organizing – it’s more than simply putting your belongings in bins!

Module 6:


Master the art of creating organizing systems that not only make it easy to get organized, but make it easy to stay organized, too



I’m Natalie, founder and owner of The Organized Aesthetic. I work as a virtual organizer and productivity coach in my business, which I run on top of working a 9-5 job in content marketing. I reside in Chicago with my better half and my crazy orange cat, Walter. Outside of work, you can find me traveling, binging reality TV, or hitting up the drive-through for nuggets.

I’ve always had a Type A personality, for as long as I can remember. I reached a point where I saw the benefits that these characteristics had created in my life — a sense of balance, lower stress levels, increased efficiency — and I wanted to figure out a way to share them with others. Cue The Organized Aesthetic.

What’s been most rewarding to me, as I’ve embarked on this journey from in-home organizing to virtual organizing to productivity coaching, is seeing my clients and course students implement the systems I curate for them — whether in home or in life — and months later hearing that they still work. To know that my clients and I can build something together that is easy to manage and has a lasting, positive impact on their lives is truly amazing.

Learn Natalie’s signature organizing process