Seven things to declutter from your iPhone right now

Aug 31, 2022
Natalie sitting on a kitchen counter, laughing while talking on the phone

Like pretty much everyone else these days, your phone is probably your lifeline. With all the things we rely on our phone for, it’s SO easy for it to become unorganized and overwhelming. Just like a clean and organized home, having a clean and organized phone can make life much easier, boosting your productivity. Need some help knowing where to start? Good news! Today I'm sharing with you seven things that you can declutter to have a cleaner, more efficient digital space!


Old emails you don’t need

Tackling your email is a BIG task. We’ve likely all gotten to the point where we had hundreds of emails that piled up. This can cause you to lose track of important messages while also overwhelming you with notifications. The best advice I can give you is to break it up into chunks. Spend just five minutes every day going through and deleting unwanted emails. This might take a little while, but chipping away at it makes it less of a daunting task…and having a clean inbox is SO worth it. 

Once you’ve decluttered your email, a few ways to keep that inbox organized is to check it daily, file important messages into folders, and delete/unsubscribe from emails regularly!


Photos you’ve already backed up

A HUGE source of phone clutter is your collection of photos. First of all, if you’re not already backing up your digital items, start doing it! There are so many cloud services that let you back up your photos and files, which allows for more storage space on your device AND easy access to your items through a simple online log-in..

Photos that were taken accidentally, duplicates, bursts, or any other photos you don’t need… all of these should be deleted. Similar to deleting emails, take a small chunk out of the day and dedicate it to scrolling through your camera roll and eliminating any unneeded photos! My favorite time to do this? On an airplane!


Apps you never use

You’d probably be surprised by how many unused apps you have sitting in your phone. Something that will clean up your phone (and save storage!) is deleting the ones you don’t use anymore or don’t foresee a need for. 

There’s actually a feature that iPhones have that can help you determine which apps to delete. If you go into settings, you can monitor how often you've accessed all of your apps. This way, you can see which ones you are using most and least often.If there are apps you want to keep but don’t use a lot, you can hide them from your home screen while still keeping them downloaded!


Downloaded content you’ve already consumed

Do you listen to podcasts or audiobooks? If so, you might have old ones downloaded on to your phone that you’ve already listened to. This type of content takes up a lot of storage and makes it hard to keep track of what you have and haven’t consumed.

Once you listen to downloaded content, hold yourself accountable to either delete it or put it into an “already listened to” folder!


Alarms you don’t use anymore

I don’t know about you, but there was definitely a point where I had a TON of unnecessary alarms in my phone. Go through your clock app and delete any alarms you don’t need anymore. Did you take a nap one day and set an alarm for 3 pm? You probably won’t need that one sitting around anymore. 


Half-written notes

We all mindlessly jot things down in our Notes app and soon forget about it. Something that will help both your organization and your storage space is to get rid of the notes that are only half-filled out as well as the notes that you don’t have a use for anymore.

Once you’ve cleared those notes out, try creating folders to maintain an organized space.


Expired passes in your Apple Wallet

Apple Wallet has an amazing feature that lets you hold boarding passes, tickets, and other important documents. While this is SUCH a great tool for living in this digital age, it’s a surefire way to add clutter to your device.

Once you’ve used the items in your Apple Wallet, and they will not be used again, it’s probably a good idea to delete them and get them out of the way.


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